Thursday 26 February 2015

Face Mapping Breakouts

So I'm currently pretty sick so hence the lack of my own face within this post, my cute little face chart will have to do for today. Being sick is currently taking it's tole on my skin, I'm sure you all know how it is. Breakouts are the absolute worst. We all know how it goes... you'll have flawless skin on lazy days when your doing nothing but the second you make any sort of plans, BOOM! Volcanos and creators covering your entire face. And even when you try stay on top on them with your meticulous skincare routine, a bad breakout can ruin anybody's day. I know I always find myself questioning exactly why my skin is playing havoc all of a sudden, maybe diet or stress? But I've learn't there could be many reasons behind these pesky little (or not so little) spots.  

Not all spots are created equal. The placing of spots upon your face can have a huge correlation to the reasons behind your breakouts. So hopefully this little handy face mapping guide will help you to understand just why and what your doing wrong to cause break outs. Face Mapping might just save your day, and your sanity when it comes to your skin.

Face Mapping has been for hundreds of years and can be traced back to ancient Chinese medicine but with the help of modern dermatologists we now have a clearer idea of how breakouts correlate to the areas of our face. This little guide should help you navigate your face and your breakout in order for you to understand exactly why your breaking out and how you can go about trying to fix it.

On the forehead
If your breaking out on your forehead then the chances are it's because you're stressed, you aren't getting enough hours of beauty sleep, you're binging on too much junk food or a combination of all three. So the best way to combat forehead spots? Firstly make sure you're getting seven to nine hours of shut eye a night.  If your struggling sleeping try a warm glass of skinned organic milk before bed, it contains a tryptophan amino acid that promotes the brain to fall asleep faster while the warm liquid is also very relaxing. Grapes are also a great pre-bed snack which will actually help you sleep better as the contain the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin so they too will allow you to fall asleep faster. You also need to cut back on the junk food, I know it's hard because who doesn't love a cheeky Dominos every now and then but cutting back on fatty foods will reduce the toxins in your skin and help your waistline too. As for de-stressing, I'd say take the time to have a pamper night to yourself with a relaxing bath and a face mask, which also will help with your skin.

Between the brows
Boozy nights out and greasy food are major cause for brow breakouts, so basically to all my fellow students beware! Lots of dairy and sugar in your diet can also be a factor for brow spots. This area of your face is linked with your liver and thats why boozy nights and greasy food really effect this area. By cutting down on your alcohol intake and resisting those post night out cheesy chips will help keep this area clear. Try getting at least thirty minutes of light excise a day as that will also help regulate your body in order to combat any naughty nights you may have had. More persistent breakouts here may also be due to an allergic reaction as this is the area where food allergies will show up first.

Around the eyes
Breakouts and discolouration around the eyes tend to be due to dehydration, and this can include dark circles. Drinking water is vital to keeping your skin clear, not just around the eyes but all over however in this area particularly water will work wonders. Your recommended to drink eight glasses of water a day, which is around two litres so swap the fizzy drinks for a water and reap the benefits. Stay hydrated and you'll be breakout free around the eyes in no time.

On your cheeks
The cheeks are linked to your respiratory system so breaking out here could have to do with allergies, smoking or even your body overheating. To avoid these cheeky breakouts, excuse the pun, make sure you're getting lots of fresh air. Staying away from high pouted areas and smoking, whether your doing it or standing by somebody else who is can help too as it'll keep your respiratory system of toxins. Eating cooling foods such as cucumber and melon will help reduce your bodies temperature which could also be causing you to break out but also a lot of redness on the skin. Keeping your phone and your pillow case clean will also help reduce breakouts as these surfaces easily build up with dirt that you really don't need going into your pores.

On your nose
Spots on your nose can be linked directly with your heart, but don't panic that's not as bad as it sounds. Keeping an eye on your bloody pressure is always good and this could be correlating with your breakout. Taking vitamin B vitamins will help breakouts in this area and you pick them up for around £4 at Boots, plus they'll help regulate your hormones and skin all over the body too. Try cutting down on bad fats and replace them with healthier fatty acids as this will help remove toxins from the body while keeping the fatty acid you need in your diet. Try swapping pizza and chips for nuts, fish and avocados to see an improvement on this area. Make-up clogging your pores or being past its expiration date may also be the cause of nose breakouts. Check the expiration dates of your make-up and use lightweight, oil-free foundation on your nose to help reduce breakouts in this area.

Sides of the chin
Breakouts on the sides of your chin and along the jawline are nothing of your own doing, damn hormones. Spots in this area usually mean your on or about to get your period, I know it sucks that spots and periods come as a package deal but I guess were just lucky girls that way..... Hopefully you can get my overwhelming sense of sarcasm here. Breaking out on one side or the other of your chin/jawline can also depending on which ovary iulating that month. Stress can also be a culprit in breakouts in this area so make sure your getting your beauty sleep, eat lots of feel good foods and pamper yourself in a nice hot bath.

On your chin
Breakouts on the sides of your chin and along the jawline are nothing of your own doing, damn hormones. Spots in this area usually mean your on or about to get your period, I know it sucks that spots and periods come as a package deal but I guess were just lucky girls that way..... Hopefully you can get my overwhelming sense of sarcasm here. Breaking out on one side or the other of your chin/jawline can also depending on which ovary iulating that month. Stress can also be a culprit in breakouts in this area so make sure your getting your beauty sleep, eat lots of feel good foods and pamper yourself in a nice hot bath.

On your neck and/or chest
Breakouts in this area can be a sign that your body is working in overdrive to fight off bacteria or avoid an illness, so being sick will leave you with spots upon your neck and chest. Helping your body fight the sickness here is your best way of clearing up spots on your neck and/or chest so make sure you take it nice and easy. Lots of water and rest will help you feel better and your skin be better too.

On your ears
Your ears are linked with your kidneys so you need to drink up lots of water. Buy cutting down on coffee, caffeinated fizzy drinks and alchol you'll see an improvement in this area. Staying hydrated is key so grab a glass of water, one of your eight a day then soon enough your ears will be spot free.

Hopefully this will help you to pinpoint why your breaking out in certain areas, though remember not all spots can be put down to facial mapping. Breakouts do happen and that's life. Hormones will play havoc on your skin and there's only so much you can to do counteract that. While trying to use these tips I'd always eat well, undertake regular exercise, try sleeping for seven to nine hours a night and drink plenty of water. A combination of all that plus face mapping tips should help you keep your skin as clear and radiant as possible.

Have you ever tried facial mapping before? Will you use facial mapping to combat breakouts in future? Do you think facial mapping works or is just a load of hocus pocus?
Let me know in the comments below. 

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