Monday 29 December 2014

My Dubrovnik adventure: part two

So in the first part of my Dubrovnik blog, which if you haven't seen yet is here, I spoke about my first two amazing days in the most gorgeous hidden gem of a city break. But the next two days were just as amazing; full of lots of beautiful views, amazing sights and the nerdiest tour of all. So the main reason we went to Dubrovnik in the first place is because it plays host to Kings Landing from HBO's Game of Thrones and being a huge fan (no shame) and an aspiring actress visiting the sets and learning inside secrets about filming was amazing for me. We also stumbled upon the most beautiful bar with the best view ever, I can't even begin to describe it so make sure you read on to check that out. Dubrovnik was one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to and hopefully reading this will make you realise just how much this place has to offer.  


Wednesday 17 December 2014

My Dubrovnik Adventure

So at the end of November I was lucky enough to be treated to a trip to Dubrovnik, Croatia as a gift for my Birthday from my lovely boyfriend, I know he spoils me. This mid-semester break was the perfect relaxtion trip to escape from university work and a chance for me to explore what's meant to be one of the most beautiful, fairytale like cites in Europe. And that it was. Wow, I've never been to a place that felt so much like living in a fairy tale; a walled city overlooking the ocean, hidden at the foot of a mountain. This city is so enchanting that it's used as the location for Kings Landing within Game Of Thrones, this is manly the reason my boyfriend treated me to a trip here in the first place. I'm secretly a massive nerd and an even bigger game of thrones fan, so in keeping with that I was treated to a tour of the locations used for filming where we learned about the show and the real history of Dubrovnik. I really can't describe how amazing this place and our short break here was.

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